We would like to provide a directory of businesses owned by DLC members in order to support each other during the current pandemic and even after. Please complete the form below to submit your business.


The Business Directory is a resource for Discover Life Church members. Utilizing the DLC Business Directory helps fuel growth in our businesses, create jobs within our congregation, develop community in our neighborhoods and foster outreach into the world.

Discover Life Church does not directly or indirectly warrant, endorse, promote the businesses listed in this directory. Additionally, Discover Life will not be responsible for the performance, services, products, employees, sub-contractors and/or agents of the listed businesses.

Use of Directory

When commerce follows biblical principles, outcomes are generally better. When deciding to do business with a company in the directory, we encourage all consumers to use practical well known practices in evaluating each business. This evaluation should always occur prior to any engagement with the business. We also recognize that no matter how good one’s intentions are there may be miscommunication. In the event you have a problem with any businesses listed in the directory, please email info@discoverlifega.org.

Our advertisers agree not to use the directory and/or its contents for the creation and distribution of mailing lists, telemarketing techniques, emails, voicemails, texts, or any other advertising and/or marketing strategies whatsoever.

Pledge (Agreement made by each business listed in the Directory)

All listed businesses must pledge to adhere to the biblical principles of running a business, including but not limited to: stewardship, financial responsibility and a biblically based dispute resolution process.

These pledges include:

Serve the Lord with all their heart and soul
Be honest at all times and conduct business according to God’s Word
Practice personal integrity in their business dealings and be Christ-like with their employees, patrons, partners, clients and customers
Treat others with the same kindness and care that they would want from them, including their competitors
Provide superior quality products and services
To never promote products, materials and/or services that advertise any illegal activities, pornographic or sexually suggestive content, gaming or contending faiths

Business Submission

Please complete the form below to submit your business.